Tuesday, August 20, 2013

13 Days!

Wow... yep its official I started packing today! I haven't got too much done yet, but something in my first suitcase is better than none! Everyday someone asks me if I am excited and I totally am! Especially packing now it seems so real! So list to do before I head out on September 2nd...

The beginning of packing! 

  1. Finish Packing
  2. Make sure my parents don't cry too much by spending a good amount of time with them
  3. Buy stickers
  4. Get gifts for the people helping us when we get there (any ideas?)
  5. Get something to knock me out on the plane, so I don't have to remember anything but sitting down in my seat.
  6. Pick up my prescriptions
  7. Organize my important documents and make copies of them for my family
  8. Buy a few skirts that will be long enough to cover my knees
  9. Get a purse that I can keep under my armpit and that zips

AH! Now that I wrote all of that down it seems like there is so much to do! I'll get it done. As of other things about this semester, I met with my cooperating teacher, Nancy, to discuss my return home. It was weird thinking that in 2 months and 2 weeks I'll be right back to Madison and working in her classroom. We were looking at the students and discussing content, it feels so far away yet. It is hard to know where they will be at when I return. Each class is a new one! But I got to find out the daily schedule and some of the things I might get to teach when I get back! I know it may be strange to be stoked about knowing when the students will have math versus specials, but it totally is! Everything is starting to feel so real! Now only if they had ceilings at Hawthorne yet... (They are apparently going through some hefty construction!).
My boyfriend and I in our apartment!

So with meeting with Nancy, I said my goodbyes to Madison. I got to see the apartment I will be living in for the first time when I return. It looks great and has about 1/3 of my stuff put in it, but I cannot wait to be living with Dennis! I also did some ALPs work when I was in Madison with UW Marching Band! Those students definitely know how to rock in more than one way! ALPs always reminds me of who I want to be as an educator. I want to mix the idea of learning with one another through be actively engaged with a task and reflection. When I first got interview to go to Uganda they told me it will be hard to put a full experiential education twist on what I need to teach there, but I promising myself I will try my hardest. I need to make sure I stay true to who I am as educator as well as be able to adapt to new situations. This will be true both when I move to Uganda and upon my return to Nancy's class.
One of the workshops I facilitated! Using EE to develop commitment to the group!
Can't wait to try this as a classroom contract someday! 

Well off to bed today...stay tuned I am sure I will have many pre-trip thoughts that I will want to write down!

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